Herd Immunity Against Racism, Part 4:  Doing the Work @ Work
Are you passionate about being a part of the Anti-Racist/BLM/Systemic Inclusion movement but overwhelmed by the magnitude, mixed messages and just managing in the time of COVID?

Herd Immunity Against Racism, Part 3:  Doing the Work @ the Polls
It was cold and pouring, but nothing could keep us from voting! Exercising your voting rights is an important part of creating Herd Immunity Against Racism.


Herd Immunity Against Racism, Part 1
Check out my latest LinkedIn articles on creating herd immunity against racism. Photo by Corey Young on Unsplash

Job Hunting Over 50 and the HGTV Aesthetic
Our culture looks at older workers and automatically assumes the “before” shots of an HGTV show. They imagine that our infrastructure is broken or wearing out; that our foundation’s cracked and we’re holding onto our harvest gold appliances and pop corn ceilings.

5 Resume Strategies:  Get out of the Applicant Vortex & Into the Candidate Pool
Applying for a job on-line usually means an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), not a human recruiter, screens your resume. Increase your chances of getting past the ATS and into the candidate pool with these five strategies as a guide.

Career Goals that Work-Part 5:  Plan for Challenges
YES, There will be hurdles!!! This is the last of the five part series on creating CAREER RESOLUTIONS THAT WORK. This series was designed to provide tools to help you make your goals a reality.

Career Goals that Work-Part 4:  Accountability Partners
It can be really hard to stay on track with your career goals! Are you over run with family stuff, working late or self-doubt? In my experience, the one thing that helps people stay on track is an ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER!

Career Goals that Work-Part 3:  Write it Down, Create a Plan
Sooooo, It’s May!! Have you made progress on reaching your New Year’s career resolutions (goals)? My first blog laid out 5 steps to take to create New Year’s Career Goals that Work. Some of you may be well on your way. Others may be experiencing fits and starts. Well, no worries and PLEASE, don’t beat yourself up! The fact that you’re reading this blog let’s me know you haven’t given up! Over the next couple of blogs, you’ll get more details on the steps that can help you move forward.

Career Goals that Work Part 2: VISUALIZATION
In the last “Your Career” blog post, we reviewed the 5 steps to creating New Year’s career goals that work. We’re a month in, a great time to check in on your planning or better yet, your actual progress towards your career goals.

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